HEAG-Gründerfonds: Cooperation with three companies
Promotion of digital solutions for energy and process optimization
The HEAG start-up fund was launched in July. With the HEAG start-up fund, start-ups are financially supported whose business model makes a contribution to public services and which fit into one or more business areas of the urban economy of the city of science Darmstadt. The HEAG supervisory board has now decided to include three companies. The energy- related companies etalytics GmbH and ETA + GmbH as well as the cross-business unit AEP Solutions GmbHeach receive equity-like loans from the HEAG start-up fund. In addition, there is active cooperation with the companies. “These are three start-up companies with outstanding potential that have developed future-oriented solutions for more sustainability in services of general interest. They have extraordinary reference projects and are already well networked in the region. The support from the HEAG start-up fund helps them to strengthen their equity base and thus enable growth, ”said Mayor Jochen Partsch. “HEAG made a preselection from numerous inquiries. Based on the companies’ business plans, we assessed the opportunities and risks of the business models and, with the involvement of a committee of experts, proposed a recommendation to the HEAG Supervisory Board for inclusion in the HEAG start-up fund, ”said the HEAG board members Prof. Dr. Klaus-Michael Ahrend and Dr. Markus Hoschek the procedure. The committee included members of the HEAG supervisory board and other experts.
Intelligent solutions for more energy efficiency
With the etaOne Energy Intelligence Platform, etalytics GmbH has created a solution that companies use to analyze and optimize their energy systems using AI. “Companies can use this system to save energy and reduce the consumption of resources. Harmful emissions are reduced and the urban climate is improved, ”explained the HEAG board members.
Digital planning solution for small and medium-sized companies
The software for advanced enterprise planning from AEP Solutions GmbH supports companies in their process optimization and risk analysis as well as in the area of controlling. “The software was specially developed for the needs of small and medium-sized companies. It is easy to use and to integrate. The solution can also be adapted for the urban economy ”, says Prof. Dr. Klaus-Michael Ahrend and Dr. Markus Hoschek.
Platform for energy management in buildings
The ETA + platform implements efficient climate protection through energy management for the largest emitters of CO 2 gases, buildings. The ETA + GmbH cooperates already with the bauverein AG, the own corporate real estate management of the city of Darmstadt (IDA) and other owners and operators of real estate in Germany. “The solutions from ETA + significantly reduce ancillary costs and energy consumption and thus contribute to providing affordable, modern and energy-efficient living space for tenants and at the same time combating climate change,” said the HEAG board members.
With the loan from the HEAG-Gründerfonds, HEAG has expanded its offer for founders to include financing with equity character for start-ups. The city economy also has the opportunity to invest in future-oriented business models. The HEAG start-up fund is open to other interested parties. Further information at https://www.heag.de/gruenderfonds/ .