Learn “machine learning” and change the world

Pedro Gonçalo Ferreira


TechQuartier’s Bootcamp on Artificial Intelligence puts people first

From November 9th there will be a new address in Frankfurt aM when it comes to artificial intelligence and machine learning: AiTalents is a 9-week bootcamp from TechQuartier, in which over 200 advanced students and young professionals from all over the world are trained in AI and machine learning free of charge. The background is the conviction that as many people as possible should learn how to use this key technology — in order to help shape how it is used and further developed. The motto is “AiTalents — Always Human”.

The organizer of the new format is TechQuartier , an innovation platform founded in Frankfurt in 2016 that brings start-ups, established companies and, above all, up-and-coming talent together under one roof. AiTalents is TechQuartier’s second boot camp offer. For three editions, in cooperation with Eintracht Frankfurt, budding entrepreneurs have been able to learn programming and developing business models as part of TechTalents .

A global boot camp in the heart of Europe

AiTalents met with great interest from the start. A total of over 500 applications were received from people from 57 countries, and ultimately 200 participants were selected in a multi-stage process. They either study at a university or college (38 different institutions on three continents) or they are already working. Due to the pandemic and places of residence around the world, the participants will take part in the course virtually. AiTalents takes place entirely in English.

40 percent of the participants come from Germany, a total of 55 percent study at German universities and 34 percent in Hesse. In addition, the proportion of participants is 33 percent, a fact that Dr. Thomas Funke, Managing Director of the organizer TechQuartier, is pleased, but at the same time shows there is further need for action:

“The tech industry still has a lot of catching up to do in terms of the proportion of women. So we are of course pleased that we can welcome so many participants to AiTalents. On the other hand, we would have preferred to have 50 percent women. So there is still a lot to do if we want to achieve more diversity in the industry. “

Real data from real startups

At AiTalents, the greatest possible practical relevance is of particular importance, because the participants should later apply machine learning themselves and thus help shape how such technologies are used today and in the future. Therefore, a number of start-up companies are involved, in some cases by sending lecturers, but above all by providing real company data. The course participants work with this data and get to know use cases for AI technologies from a wide variety of areas and industries.

The start-ups, many of which are members of the TechQuartier, include:

Technology that is developed by people

What is important is the perspective on the topic of AI, which is behind AiTalents: Artificial intelligence is a technology that is designed by people — accordingly, it should not be viewed as a danger, as Dr. Thomas Funke emphasizes:

“Today it is important that as many people as possible learn to use these technologies — on both a technological and an ethical level. AI technologies do not just emerge by themselves, they are developed and shaped by people. They are already making our lives easier in many ways and offer countless opportunities. We are therefore firmly convinced that a large number of people should learn to use this technology consciously. If we can do that, these technologies will produce many positive things for the benefit of all. This can be compared with large international projects such as the International Space Station ISS, where the coming together of the world community in particular generates progress. “

Well-known partners and sponsors

AiTalents can be offered free of charge to the participants, as the program is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and supported by several sponsors who provide prize money for the three best data projects as part of the boot camp. These include Deloitte, ING, the Bundesbank and TechHippo.

