Lylu from Darmstadt convinces with the business
Angels FrankfurtRhineMain

Pedro Gonçalo Ferreira
3 min readOct 27, 2020


The company founded in 2020, Lylu GmbH from Darmstadt, will receive six-digit seed funding.

The three founders “open” the Internet to the elderly Generation to enrich their everyday life. For iPad or Android tablet, this target group receives from
Lylu a uniform user interface for all functions. So grandparents can soon be completely just talking to their children on video or look at photos of their grandchildren, films look, shop online or email your bank. The operation works always following the same intuitive pattern.

In September, the startup met the Business Angels FrankfurtRheinMain online matching (BA FRM) and made a very good impression. Ulrich Meißner, himself a member, explained: “The founding team covers all the relevant skills for this innovative internet access. The idea is exciting and the final factor in my financial commitment was the quality of the co-investors. “

Günter Christmann, who is active on the board of BA FRM, has known the startup for a long time. He intended to met over 2 years at the Business Angel Network’s startup consultation day when it wasn’t more than the idea had. As a mentor, he then continuously supported the startup, under
in cooperation with HIGHEST, the innovation and start-up center of
The Technical University of Darmstadt.

As a result, Lylu finally received the EXIST start-up grant and was able to incorporate scientific findings into the corporate concept, so that it was now ripe for an investment. “I am pleased that this preparatory work is now so quick fruit. From presenting to business angels to participating in less than one The month to come is exceptionally fast. ”, Says Günter Christmann, who has been working for many years Experience as a business angel.

Vitalij Hilsendeger, co-founder of Lylu, is raising another important aspect: “Especially in times of Corona, when personal networking is hardly possible is possible, BA FRM offered us a great opportunity to get to know many investors at once. “

Harald Holzer, Managing Director of HIGHEST, is also pleased: “It’s nice to see how Startups that we accompanied on the first steps out of the TU Darmstadt, the next step on the ladder of success and enrich the entire ecosystem. Lylu is an example of a successful transfer of a meaningful idea from science to society. “.

The Business Angels FrankfurtRheinMain e.V. has been offering startups the opportunity to pitch in front of business angels every month for 20 years in matching events. With over 150 members, they belong to one of the most active business angel networks in Germany. The network normally co-invest with others and with institutional co-investors. Together with the other actors in the The Rhein-Main start-up ecosystem aims to encourage the growth of promising startups and accelerate them.

Andreas Lukic, Chairman of the Board of Management of BA-FRM concludes: “Lylu is another example how important it is to mobilize investors in and for the region. We are happy that Lylu can now exploit his potential. “

