NO TALK. ALL ACTION! The Startup Weekend Mittelhessen is almost here and fully online

Pedro Gonçalo Ferreira
2 min readNov 2, 2020


Coronavirus has been a pain for all event organizers and Startup Weekend Mittelhessen also felt it.

This week it’s finally startup weekend again in #Mittelhessen! This year, not in a off-line environment, but comfortable from home, but not less interesting by the way.

Get your free tickets in time and join us:


Frankfurt Valley is one of the partners, an our initiator Pedro Ferreira will be sharing some insights on the first day. Full agenda here:

But What is a Startup Weekend?

The Startup Weekend is a non-commercial event promoting aspiring entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial experience. Teams with similar interests will be heavily supported throughout the first stages of developing individual business ideas — from the very initial inspiration to a viable business model. Eventually, the final pitches will be presented in front of and awarded by a panel of judges consisting of (inter-)nationally well-experienced actors within the startup scene.

Who can participate?

Each and everyone being on a lookout for new challenges can participate, particularly those enjoying conceptual work within a very dynamic and highly inspiring environment, and everybody who feels intrigued by developing a viable and profound business idea within a short time period.

Do I have to pitch an own business idea?

No, you don’t have to reveal your idea, if you prefer not to. Anyways, you may miss out on a great chance to learn how to avoid mistakes that most inexperienced entrepreneurs make and how to turn your very own startup idea into a profitable business. Be entrepreneurial, be courageous, live the spirit , live progress, be open-minded and have no regrets!

What do we offer you?

We gladly provide for a common platform here in Mittelhessen for you to gain first insights and experience within the startup environment. I.e. you will benefit from professional input and profound feedback provided by experienced and well-chosen actors of the (inter-)national startup scene. The first three pitches will be awarded valuable prizes. Besides, the best startup idea in the field of Life Sciences will be separately awarded!

Join us!

