Scaling news: Emma to invest 100 mn Euros in India

Pedro Gonçalo Ferreira


Since its launch in India about two years ago, Emma’s Indian business has risen sharply, with a two-fold jump just in sales last quarter. “We see India as our next frontier,” says Dennis Schmoltzi, chief executive officer of Emma Mattress. “India is fertile ground for our Emma brand. It is clear by the significant growth that Emma Sleep has experienced since launch that Indians are seeking a more affordable way of getting a good night’s sleep.”

At present, the company is evaluating the acquisition of multiple local suppliers and manufacturers in India, it said. A major chunk of the investment is being considered for setting Emma’s manufacturing hub that will cater to the US, Europe and Asia-Pacific markets.

Emma said it will set up larger warehouses and create a new office in India. “There are less than ten players in the Indian bed-in-a-box market, all of which we consider to be in their comfort zone. We are applying our strategy that has been successful in 23 countries to the Indian market and we expect Emma Sleep to be the market leader in India within two years,” added Schmoltzi.

For those who don't know yet, Emma-The Sleep Company started in Frankfurt in 2013 and posted its second financial year of profitability in 2019 with €150 million in sales. The company is projecting revenue of €240 million during the current fiscal.

