Kompetenzzentrum Kreativwirtschaft — © Wirtschaftsförderung Frankfurt GmbH 2021

The Masterplan Kreativwirtschaft — creative economy master plan for Frankfurt am Main

Pedro Gonçalo Ferreira
Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2021


Markus Frank, Head of Economic Affairs, and Frankfurt Economic Development, together with authors from the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, the Zukunftsinstitut and the Zurich Center for Creative Economies, present the Frankfurt Creative Economy Masterplan 2021–2026

In a digital presentation, City Councilor Markus Frank published today together with the Frankfurt Economic Development Agency and the participating authors Prof. Dr. Janna Hohn & Prof. Dr. Swen Schneider, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Frédéric Martel & Claudio Bucher, Zurich Center for Creative Economies — ZCCE, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and Dr. Olaf Meier, Zukunftsinstitut Frankfurt developed the master plan for the creative industries Frankfurt 2021–2026.

The city of Frankfurt am Main has set itself the goal of further strengthening the creative location and expanding the potential that the location has to offer in the creative sector. All those involved in the master plan contributed their technical and international expertise to the complex topics of the master plan. Three central fields of action for the development of Frankfurt am Main as a creative city were identified: resilience, space / creative space and networking.

Markus Frank, head of the economic department, was enthusiastic about the various ideas and approaches of the master plan: “With this master plan and with a view to the developments of the last few years, the city wants to show one thing: As a future industry, creative industries can be a valuable guide out of the crisis. In all its facets, it makes a significant contribution to the success of the business location. Therefore we need the creative and the creative need our appreciation and support so that the city, economy and society with innovations and new formats — offline as well as online — are fit for the coming decades. “City councilor Markus Frank continues:” The city of Frankfurt am Main will do its part to support and promote the creative industries as much as possible. I invite all players in the industry also to be part of this design process for Frankfurt am Main. Creative City. “

Oliver Schwebel, Managing Director of Frankfurt Economic Development: “We are delighted that the master plan also represents important milestones in the success story of Frankfurt’s cultural and creative industries, such as the LEA — Live Entertainment Award, the ADC Night of Honor, the DDC with its competition or the Frankfurt Art Experience, to name just a few from the industry. The “Facts & Figures of the Frankfurt am Main Creative Industry” in the master plan also prove that Frankfurt is the creative industry center of Hesse ”.

Dr. Olaf Meier, Zukunftsinstitut Frankfurt: “The climate crisis and currently the Covid-19 crisis pose unexpected challenges for the economy and society. Creativity is essential to cope with them. Locations with a strong creative economy therefore have enormous advantages in times of crisis: They are not only better positioned to cope with large and small crises, they also have more efficient options for drawing new potential from them ”. Dr. Meier continues: “Creativity is the decisive cultural technique that helps people — and that also means business and society — to develop new things out of crisis situations”.

The area of ​​action space / creative space takes up a large part of the master plan. Prof. Dr. Janna Hohn, Professor of Urban Development and Design at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences: “For the success of the creative industries in Frankfurt, existing urban creative spaces must be secured and strengthened, and framework conditions must be created so that new opportunities for creative professionals can arise. We should use the creative industries specifically as a source of inspiration for reprogramming, mixing and revitalizing our city! “

Prof. Swen Schneider, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences: “Here at the location, in the fields of art, production and development, media and design, the most diverse creative minds are at work in different constellations: as self-employed individuals, free groups or start-ups, as employees by corporations and companies, as members in associations, clubs, initiatives. If you add the renowned universities and research institutes in the region with their innovative future projects, then extraordinary constellations of actors and stakeholders emerge who can make a big difference. “

The “dynamic” master plan provides a well-founded background and connections between the creative economy, economic and social development as well as urban development and future viability specifically for Frankfurt as a business location. It forms the basis for all further steps, gives food for thought, shows room for maneuver and gives recommendations for action and project ideas. According to the current publication, the recommendations for action need to be discussed, analyzed and prioritized together with all those involved on the part of the cultural and creative industries as well as on the part of city politics and administration. The dynamic master plan sees itself as a roadmap for the further development of the Creative City Frankfurt am Main.

The creative economy master plan 2021–2026 is available for download under the following link: https://masterplan.creativehubfrankfurt.de/

