Humulene Terpene and How it Heals

Frank Rutherford
3 min readMar 2, 2017


You’ve probably heard about terpenes and how they flavor everything.

Essentially, they’re oils that are aromatic, that offer distinctive flavor profiles that’ll fight pain. You probably know about caryophyllene and pinene already.

But let’s talk about humulene, and how fascinating it is. It offers an earthy scent, but it can actually absorb different medicines, and even aid with fighting tumors!

How it Affects Us

If you’ve ever smelled beers or other substances that have a woodsy scent to it, then you’ve probably smelled humulene. This is a great terpene and is also found in spices and the like too.

It’s in a lot of popular strains including girl scout cookies, buba kush, and even sour diesel.

That pleasing aroma aside, it actually is great for medicinal reasons too. For centuries, doctors have used balsam fir oil that has a high amount of humulene to soothe the muscles that are tired, improving respiratory function, and offering better antimicrobial effects that come with this too.

It can help to fight the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium, which is a nasty bug, and it’s considered anti-inflammatory too.

This also helps with stimulating the appetite and is responsible for the munchies that are there. It may also have some weight loss treatment benefits too in some cases.

Does it Really fight Cancer?

This I something that some researchers have found.

The study found that in 2003, the terpene humulene actually helped to shrink tumors in a person.

In another paper, this did the same thing, and it works as an analgesic, or otherwise known as a pain fighter. Because pain during cancer is hard to really manage, this actually offers the one-two punch in helping to manage pain in a person as well, so it can help with this as well.

But do understand that this is still too early on to fully understand the whole aspects of this terpene.

There are many different terpenes that actually do help with fighting cancer and other problems, and right now, there are some studies which prove that terpenes can kill cancer.

But with every single clinical study, there is some cause for cautious optimism in some cases, since this may be a great remedy for diseases that are incredibly insidious.

But humulene isn’t just good for that, it can help to fight pain, infection, and really markedly improve the lives of yourself, and of others too. With that said of course, it’s important to ensure that you take some time and really get familiar with all of this, and what it can do for you.

If you want to start to use humulene in order to help with this, it can possibly really benefit you. It’s in a lot of the main strains out there, so you can smoke it, and it also is available in a variety of edibles, tinctures, and the like.

If you want to start to use this, there are potential benefits too, and it can be a great way to help with appetite stimulation and healing as well.

Now, while it may not have the cancer-fighting options that go along with this, there is still a lot that this can do for you, and a whole lot of benefits to be had in this case. If you want to take better care of yourself, this can be a great way for you to figure this out.

Talk to a budtender the next time you go in to see if they can help you figure out the best strains that have ea high profile of humulene so you can get the benefits.

