
Dago Rodriguez
Fraternal Review
Published in
1 min readMay 30, 2020

The Second of The Four Cardinal Virtue

Fortitude in the Masonic lecture seems to be directed against cowans who might attack a Mason, even as a highwayman; the initiate must have fortitude to withstand “any illegal attack” rather than disclose the secrets of the Craft. …

Fortitude is not only physical courage in the face of “any pain, peril or danger” but moral courage; the strength to make a decision which may have undesirable consequences, because it is right; the venturesomeness and audacity to fly in the face of all accepted standards, because it seems right.

So considered, fortitude becomes what its inner Masonic meaning intends, a foundation stone of character, and not a mere ability to refrain from giving the ransom of Masonic secrets in exchange for freedom from danger.

[Carl H. Claudy, “Seven Cardinal Virtues,” The Short Talk Bulletins II, Vol. 28, №8, August 1950. (Burtonsville, MD: The Masonic Service Association, 2014), S. Brent Morris, Ed., 636.]

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