Satire | Humor | Parenting

A “Cool” Mom Tells Her Teens There’s No Family Vacation This Summer

She speaks Gen Z, no cap!

Jennifer Haubrich
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2024


The image shows a cheerful woman with long brown hair in a white top and red skirt. She is smiling and pointing at a large illustrated jar labeled “Savings” with the humorous addition “Broke AF”. The background is a bright yellow, emphasizing the light-hearted tone of the illustration.
image created by author in Canva

Hey bruhs, what’s that banger you’re listening to? Yeah, that song slaps!

Can you turn it down just a sec? I have some tea I don’t want to gatekeep.

Now don’t come at me, but I have some bad news: It turns out we can’t go on that summer vacation we’ve all been looking forward to so much.

I’m sorry. I know this news is lame af.

The faces you’re making right now are giving “this sucks, you must be kidding” energy.

I can tell you were planning to blow up your Insta with bussin’ vacation selfies and are worried about what your followers will think now. Your feelings are valid as hell. But don’t let those NPCs and Opps live rent-free in your mind all summer!

Why did Dad just buy a new Tesla if we didn’t have money to go on vacation, you say?

I have no clap back. You ate with that comment, Jake. I’m not a Karen who’s going to deny that. He might have been zooted. So I’m not happy with him either.

I’m not saying he’s giving me the ick and has no rizz, I just wish he had quit that online gambling site when he told me he had…



Jennifer Haubrich

Finding the funny in relationships, parenting, life, and personifying inanimate objects. Contact: