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Achievement Badges For New Parents

You don’t need a trophy for raising a family, but a badge would be nice

Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2019


Being a new parent is tough. You work hard day and night and never seem to get the acknowledgement you deserve. That’s why it’s time to take a cue from the scouts and reward major (and minor) victories with a patch to stick to your sash.

Full Night Of Sleep Badge

By author

Though it seems like this badge may never be earned, eventually you will have a full night of sleep. As your child grows they will start to snooze through the night, as will you. Of course, they rise with the sun so enjoy that impossibly precise alarm clock jumping on your bed at 6 AM.

Master Translator Badge

By author

Friends will look on with shock as you correctly decipher your child’s babble. With enough practice you’ll be able to speak your baby’s language while they learn to speak yours. Until then, just make sure you can understand when they are…

