Beware the “I’d”s of March
Stab-worthy parenting “I’d”s to avoid this Pandemiversary season
1. I’d imagine working moms like you are extra grateful for the last year of family togetherness. What a blessing to finally slow down and spend quality time with your kids!
2. I’d continue remote learning indefinitely, but I get why families keep pushing for school reopening — being a hands-on parent isn’t for everyone.
3. I’d really like to help…you seem SO overwhelmed. I’m emailing you my daily lesson plans, weekly music lessons (recorder, yay!), origami chore chart templates, and my homemade “daily gratitude journal for toddlers.” I’ll drop off my spare laminator tonight!
4. I’d guess eight or nine hours a night, on average.
5. I’d feel totally self-conscious leaving the house in that, but good for you. So brave!
6. I’d live in denim 24/7 if I could! Actually, I didn’t even realize I was wearing jeans on our family’s long run last week…until they dropped to my ankles and I totally face planted. Who knew being in the best shape of my life could be so hazardous!
7. I’d never let my kids snack on over-processed junk-food all day, but to be fair, they haven’t been into snacking, or sugar, since we started eating exclusively from our backyard garden this year.
8. I’d always found cooking for the kids super rewarding, but I didn’t realize cooking for them morning, noon, and night would be such a joy!
9. I’d say this is the happiest my partner and I have ever been.
10. I’d guess 8 or 9 times a week, on average.
11. I’d get so much less done without the kids around. We just love tackling projects together: from finally KonMari-ing the outdoor playhouse to helping them start their wellness blog, it’s been such a productive year!
12. I’d worried about the kids falling behind academically this year, but not being over scheduled actually left SO much time for extra tutoring. Now they’re practically fluent in Mandarin Chinese and Russian Math!
13. I’d recommend trying one of those educational subscription boxes if you’re looking for extra things to do. We signed up for a STEM box and now Bennet and I are mere weeks away from finishing our popsicle stick Burj Dubai.
14. I’d rethink all that screen time. No judgement, I’m not saying it’s bad to get a little “me time” at the expense of their developing brains, but they’re not giving National Merit Scholarships for Minecraft, right?
15. I’d rather binge-watch my kids, but that’s just me.