Creekside Elementary PTA Hosts Fundraiser to Raise Funds for Upcoming Fundraiser

Laura Skopec
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2021


Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash

On Friday, December 10 at 1 pm, the Creekside Elementary PTA will host its annual “Winter Skate FUNdraiser.”

“It’s a treasured annual tradition,” said Creekside Elementary PTA President Karen Crock of the event. “And it’s for a great cause — to raise funds for our Spring Carnival fundraiser.”

Some Creekside parents are Winter Skate skeptics, however. Reached for comment, local mom and non-PTA member Lauren Flight said, “Wait, isn’t there school on Friday at 1 pm? Oh [bleep], is that another random [bleeping] day off?”

For his part, Principal White praised the effort, saying, “Our PTA does so many wonderful things for our school. The Ice Cream Social Fundraiser, the Bake Sale, the Great Wrapping Paper Sale, the Winter Skate FUNdraiser. I can’t thank them enough for giving parents a way to feel involved in Creekside.”

Anonymous sources say he then muted himself and continued, “so those [bleeps] stop pestering me about masks and CRT.”

But one local mom is not buying the hype. “What are they even fundraising for?” asked Stacey McFink, an accountant and mother of two. “I just don’t understand why all the fundraisers only fund other fundraisers. It feels like a pyramid scheme.”



Laura Skopec

Laura Skopec is a writer and comedian whose work has appeared in McSweeney’s and Slackjaw. Her half-hour comedy pilot, “Clown Town,” is in development.