Driving Humor

Emergency Flashing Vehicle Lights for Those Non-Medical “Emergencies” That Parents Must Deal With Daily

Now, parents can safely race through the streets to stop the madness, dear god, make it stop

Amy Strommer
Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2021


Photo by Andrew Coop on Unsplash

Why should police, firefighters, and your neighbor with the new Mustang have all the fun of racing through the streets and running red lights? Now parents can do it too!

How often have you been driving and heard a child say, “I have to go to the bathroom! It’s an emergency!” You glance in the rearview mirror and know you are seconds away from a messy situation, but traffic is at a standstill. What do you do? If you owned an Emergency Yellow Flashing Light for your vehicle from I Want These Flashers (IWTF), then you could plop that yellow light on top of your car. Traffic would pull to the sides allowing you to speed to the nearest Starbucks, gas station, or large clump of bushes and avert disaster.

Check out our other colors and the emergencies represented:

Magenta Flashing Light

A Magenta Flashing Light means someone in the car has a broken cell phone. Phones have become lifesavers to parents who sometimes just need a few minutes to do laundry, make…



Amy Strommer

Amy Strommer writes about motherhood, life, and other 3 a.m. topics. Though humor is her love language, sometimes a serious piece will land on the page.