Parenting Humor

It’s OK to Eat Your Kid’s Halloween Candy (So They Don’t Have to)

Greg Thomas
3 min readOct 29, 2023


Photo by Łukasz Nieścioruk on Unsplash

It’s finally here. The day we’ve all been dreading. This is when the clock really starts. Halloween was just the lead-up to this nightmare. Now is when the real parenting test begins. That’s right, I’m talking about:

The Day AFTER Halloween!

(cue high-pitched scream)

It’s out there. On the counter. Staring at you. It’s the candy dish.

Empty wrappers trail the house like reverse Hansel and Gretel bread crumbs. There are clues everywhere. Someone was here. Someone small with a lot of energy.

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter.

You hear the tiny footsteps running back and forth, back and forth in an endless cycle of energy, giggles, and tears (theirs from the sugar high, yours from *gestures generally everywhere*).

You feel your heart rate increase. They’re nearby. You can feel it. Plus, you just found four more empty wrappers near the trashcan (never in the trash can, of course).

You look back at the candy dish, overflowing with tiny chocolate bars, peanut butter cups, Sour Patch Kids, and (for some reason that you will never truly understand) yogurt-covered raisins.



Greg Thomas

Father. Writer. Teller of embarrassing dad jokes. Genre hopping before it was cool. MORE FICTION: