Humor | Parenting

If Parents’ Bumper Stickers Were Honest

Try to spot these in the car pick-up line at school

Jennifer Haubrich
Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2024


This image shows the rear top section of a traditional yellow American school bus, prominently displaying the words “SCHOOL BUS” in black on a background field of yellow. Above the text are two red lights. The sky is partly cloudy and trees can be seen in the background, indicating a daytime setting.
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Okay, we get it. You’re proud of your honor roll student. You love your school. Your kids are swimmers. That’s all well and nice.

But how about a little more honesty on your back bumper?

The image features a humorous bumper sticker design meant for a vehicle. It has a yellow background with black diagonal stripes on each end, mimicking caution tape. There are two diamond-shaped road signs with the word “SLOW” on either side of the text, which reads “TIRED PARENT JUST PASS ME I DON’T CARE” in bold, capital letters.
Image made in Canva by author

This mom’s oldest is in preschool 3 mornings a week for 2 hours, but it takes over an hour a day to get them in the car, dropped off, and picked up. This leaves them with 1 hour of “free” time in which her younger child needs to be fed, burped, and changed before it’s time to hop back in the minivan.

She loves her kids, but she’s so darn sleep-deprived she has to drive with the window open two inches even in the dead of winter, just to stay awake and alert.

The image displays a humorous message that reads “CAILLOU IS ANNOYING HONK IF YOU AGREE!” in large red capital letters against a light background. Over the image is a large black ‘X’ mark, covering the face of an illustrated character that appears to be a boy with a yellow cap and a red shirt.
Image made in Canva by author

The dad with this bumper sticker appreciates that children’s programming exists to engage and entertain young minds (and give parents 25 minutes of peace to make…



Jennifer Haubrich

Finding the funny in relationships, parenting, life, and personifying inanimate objects. Contact: