Parenting Humor

I’m Just Here for the Dad Jokes

It’s my teenage daughter’s world, I just live in it

Greg Thomas
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2023


Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

I know you hate it.

I see the eye rolls. The storming off into your room.

The increasing desire to not be seen with me in public.

But I have to be true to who I am.

I am a dad — I’m your dad — and as much as I hate to admit it, I have to make dad jokes.

It’s not just that I’m contractually obligated to make dad jokes at every possible opportunity that presents itself.

It’s in my blood.

When you were born just a little over 13 years ago, something was triggered inside that said, “Finally, someone that will get me!”

Like the other day when you wanted to go see that boy named Jake and I immediately asked, flabbergasted, “The one from State Farm?!?”

Surprised that I’m hip to the pop culture references? You shouldn’t be.

Or how about when you asked if you could get Starbucks for the third time this week and I responded with the classic non-answer, “In THIS economy?”

Ha, ha. So true.



Greg Thomas

Father. Writer. Teller of embarrassing dad jokes. Genre hopping before it was cool. MORE FICTION: