Parenting | Humor

Injuries I Can’t Diagnose Because I Didn’t Go to Medical School and I Didn’t Become a Doctor

No, I can’t guess

Stacey Curran
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2024


Photo by Derek Finch on Unsplash

Cases presented by a child to their not-a-doctor parent in one day:

Q: Why do you have a rash?

I see your rash, but I have no idea what caused it.

Did you eat something different? Did you touch something outside?

Is it itchy?

Is it spreading?

If it’s not better by tomorrow, we will go see your pediatrician.

No, I can’t guess.

Because I did not go to medical school, and I am not a doctor.

Q: Why do you have pain in your leg?

Did you fall?

It doesn’t look swollen.

Put some ice on it.

Not because I think you broke it.

Do you think you broke it?

If it’s not better by tomorrow, we will go see your pediatrician.

No, I can’t guess.

Because I did not go to medical school, and I am not a doctor.

Q: Why do you have a…



Stacey Curran

Former journalist; few N.E. Press Assoc. Awards, few Boston Globe Magazine essays, @TheBelladonnaComedy @Slackjaw @BostonAccent, @WBUR, grocery lists.