Frazzled Author Series

Interview with Julie Vick: Babies Don’t Make Small Talk (So Why Should I?)

Lindsay Hameroff
5 min readNov 15, 2021


photo courtesy of Julie Vick

I’m thrilled to chat with Julie Vick, Frazzled contributor and author of Babies Don’t Make Small Talk (So Why Should I?), which is out now. Let’s dive in.

  1. Julie! First of all, congratulations on this book! What inspired you to write it, and how long did you work on it?

Thank you! Writing a book was always a bucket list writing goal for me. I was writing before I had kids (and even wrote another book proposal that I tried querying that did not end up going anywhere, which in retrospect was probably a good thing because I’m not sure it was the best book idea).

After having my first kid, I took a break from writing because I was running on not a lot of sleep and just trying to do basic things like not leave the house while wearing slippers. But after I had my second kid and had even less time I somehow thought, this would be a great time to start writing again.

I started writing a lot of parenting humor, partially because I could do it in the small chunks of time that I did have. I found some success with it, so I started thinking about book ideas in that realm. A humorous advice book for introverted parents was one that I felt like I hadn’t seen before and that I would have liked to…



Lindsay Hameroff

Reader, writer, humorist, mommy. Follow me on Twitter @LindsayHameroff.