Humor | Satire | Parenting

Is Your Boss More Mature Than a Toddler?

Playing “no takebacksies,” but with millions of dollars on the line

Philip S. Naudus
Published in
4 min readApr 23, 2024


This image shows an illustration of a cartoon koala with an open mouth and closed eyes, wearing a blue shirt with the word “BOSS” on it. The bear appears to be in mid tantrum, with arms stretched wide in an assertive gesture. The cartoon koala is superimposed on a real-life photograph of an elevator lobby.
Sometimes, throwing a tantrum shows who’s really in charge (the blowup/unsplash/author)

Even though I had climbed to the peak of the corporate ladder, I still felt like the universe didn’t revolve around me as much as it should.

Despite my tailored suits, self-aggrandizing speeches, and life-sized statue in the break room, my ego refused to inflate past the size of Jupiter. I even adorned my office walls with oversized portraits of myself, strategically positioned to catch the eye of anyone who dared enter. But still, a gnawing sense of inadequacy persisted.

Everything changed after I helped care for my 2-year-old nephew, whose entire vocabulary can be summarized with two words: “no” and “mine.” Here I was, a grown man with a billion-dollar company, and I couldn’t even get Alexander to share a goldfish cracker without a full-scale meltdown. I offered him stock options for a single bite of his cookie, or his own private island if he could part with a Lego. He remained unmoved, his tiny fists clenched around his treasures. I began feeling as if in the world of toddlers, I was a mere intern, fetching snacks and bending to the iron will of someone who would one day grow up to become one of the world’s most determined leaders.



Philip S. Naudus

High school teacher by day, koala by night. My wife is a cartoonist with a Ph.D., and she co-authors all of these articles.