Shakespearean Sonnets Rewritten For Parents

Shall I compare them to a summer’s day? They are both sticky and intemperate.

Shannon J Curtin


Photo by Cynthia Smith on Unsplash

Sonnet 78

So oft I ordered coffee as my Muse,
And found a parking spot in which to nurse
And every Dunkin hath I driven through
I hoped to god I did not misplace my purse.

These cups brought joy to mom’s with babe’s in slings
with heavy sleepless eyes about to cry.
I now the coffee to new parents bring,
and swear the worst is over after three.

Yet I’m most proud of that which I compile-
My ignorance before my kids were born of me,
The other moms I thought exaggerate the trial
of how hard life with sweet babies graced could be
But now, wow oh wow, what a stupid stance,
To think I was an expert in advance.

Sonnet 27

Weary with toil, I hasten to my bed,
The dear repose for limbs with travail tired;
But then begins a journey to my bed
By both the dog, and then my wired child.
For then my thighs, hang far o’er the side,
I spend a jealous…



Shannon J Curtin

Poet, essayist, and humor writer. She holds an MBA, competitive shooting records, and her liquor. She would probably like you.