Some Thoughts On Your Request That I Start Helping Out Around Here

I have a number of them

Gail Gauthier


Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

First off, helping is something I have to do at kindergarten all day long. All that holding doors and being line leader stuff is exhausting. When I get home, I need to relax the way you guys do when you get back from work. Which is why hanging up my outdoor clothes and taking the snack containers out of my backpack are out of the question.

Why do you need help carrying dirty dishes from the kitchen table to the sink? We’re only talking a few steps for you guys. It’s at least twice that for me because even though Dad is kind of short, his legs are still longer than mine. I would have to work harder than either of you do on that chore. It just doesn’t make sense.

Also, there wouldn’t be that many dishes for me to help you take from the table to the sink, if you weren’t always making food I don’t like and putting it in a serving dish. You think putting steamed carrots or oven-roasted asparagus in a bowl in the middle of the table where everyone has to stare at them while they’re trying to eat will make that stuff look like delicious Halloween candy? Just plate my potato chips, American cheese, and cookies and bring them to me. You don’t even have to cook potato chips and cheese, which means no pots and pans to clean, in case you were thinking of…

