Study: Parents of Toddlers Spend 35 Hours Per Week Sitting in Parked Cars Waiting for Their Children to Get in Their Damn Seat

Andrew Knott
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2019


Photo by Lechon Kirb on Unsplash

A new study conducted by very important researchers at a highly prestigious university found that parents of toddlers spend an average of 35 hours per week sitting in parked cars waiting for their toddlers to get in their damn seat.

“As a parent myself, I wasn’t completely surprised by the results,” lead researcher Dr. Linda White said. “My kids are grown now, but I remember what it was like. Of course, back in my day we didn’t even have smart phones. I did so many crossword puzzles!”

Local dad Adam Cable was pleased to learn he wasn’t unique in spending most of his waking hours waiting for his toddler to get in her damn seat.

“Wow, 35 hours? What a relief,” Mr. Cable said, while seated in his car while his 2-year-old daughter climbed from the front seat to the back seat and back to the front seat again. “I thought it was just me.”

“It’s certainly nice to know I’m not alone. Although, I would kind of like to be alone right now,” Cable continued, pointing hopelessly at his daughter as she pressed her face against one of the air conditioner vents.

Local mom Melinda Steinhart was not surprised by the results and actually thought the…



Andrew Knott

Essayist, humorist, novelist. Dad of three. Editor of Frazzled. Debut novel LOVE'S A DISASTER (May 21, 2024, Bayou Wolf Press). Website: