We Brought You Breakfast (Ingredients) in Bed!

Don’t get up! We’ll bring you everything we need.

Adam Campbell-Schmitt


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Happy Mother’s Day, mommy!

We love you so much! Thank you for everything you do. As a token of our appreciation, the whole family has brought you breakfast ingredients in bed!

Yes, we said ingredients. As in, we need you to cook them.

Okay, so Declan said he doesn’t like the way daddy makes pancakes. We’re not sure if they were cooked too long or not enough or if there’s some secret spice you put in that you could maybe whisper into daddy’s ear so he can try to recreate the voodoo that you do so well. But anyway, that clanging you heard earlier (which we hope didn’t wake you up on your special “sleep in until 7:46 a.m.” day!) was a plastic plate being unceremoniously shoved off of the highchair tray.

So if you could just make the breakfast…

But don’t get up! Stay in bed. Stay comfy. We’ll bring everything to you! Everything you need to cook for us, that is.

We brought you a bouquet of bacon strips, a festive basket of strawberries (careful, there’s a paring knife in there), and a bow-wrapped box of Bisquik.

And in that mystery container? Eggs. But we wouldn’t dream of having you cracking them while propped…



Adam Campbell-Schmitt

A writer and editor living, laughing, and loving in the NYC suburbs. Twitter: @adamcswrites