
We, Your Children, Don’t Have Snow Pants That Fit and We’d Like To Know What You’re Going to Do About It

Other moms don’t do this!

Stacey Curran
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2024


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How could you let this happen? Why didn’t you buy us new winter stuff?

You know kids grow, right? That is kind of our whole reason for existing. You are supposed to be obsessed with that. If we had a doorway where you marked our height with a pencil every year like other moms, maybe you would have stayed on top of this situation.

But no, you are one of those moms who doesn’t buy school pictures and makes us take the bus. And now, your careless parenting style has led to this equipment failure.

There is a foot of fresh snow outside the door and no one inside is prepared. The usual line of snow pants succession has failed. When you didn’t get Sam — your first-born and favorite kid — new snow pants last year you chose this for all of us. We were all sick of getting his hand-me-downs, but it was preferable to this parental negligence.

Now, there is no system redundancy. We used to have choices in snow gear. Don’t you care anymore? It is not a kid’s job to care.

Why do you keep telling us it barely snowed last year? We know! That’s why we want to go play so much. You seem…



Stacey Curran

Former journalist; few N.E. Press Assoc. Awards, few Boston Globe Magazine essays, @TheBelladonnaComedy @Slackjaw @BostonAccent, @WBUR, grocery lists.