Humor | Parenting

What We All Want To Say to That One Out-of-Touch Grandfather at the Playground

You’re not at work anymore, Gramps

Gail Gauthier
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2024


Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash

You didn’t bring a snack because these kids should be eating at mealtimes? Oh, you’re going to pay for that.

Adults may respond positively to yelling, but these are kids. You’re wasting your time yelling here. Yelling is just a regular day for them.

You’re going to try the “because I said so” thing? That hasn’t worked for at least a generation. Nobody even knows what it means.

Everyone thinks pushing kids on swings is boring. I agree. They shouldn’t have them here.

You went over to the fifth graders’ area? Nobody goes there. Well, you know now. You’re lucky you were able to come back.

You were told there was a sandbox here, and yet you didn’t bring sand toys.

You were in management for thirty years. Upper management. What do upper managers do again? Create and maintain profitability for companies. Okay. I don’t think kids care about that. Not here, anyway. Maybe at school. But, no, not there, either.

Get off your phone and get your granddaughter down from that tower. It’s a podcast, not radio. You can listen to it anytime…

