Humor | Parenting

Your Teenage Daughter or the Worst Roommate You’ve Ever Had?

How to tell the difference

Jennifer Haubrich
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2024


The image features a central illustration of a person looking confused and surrounded by various household and daily life items. These items include a face mask, a showerhead, a coffee mug, a sink full of dishes with a dishwashing brush, a bottle of milk, a laundry basket with a single piece of clothing, a dirty ATM machine, cleaning supplies including a sponge and spray bottle, and a smartphone displaying a chat conversation.
Image made in Canva by author

Do you have a hard time figuring out if the young woman you are cohabitating with is your teenage daughter or just a terrible roommate?

It makes sense. They often have a lot in common…

Their needs

They only text you when they need something.

They only call you when they need something urgently.

They’re always eating your food and never, ever, ever offer to buy groceries.

They take “No” as less of an answer and more of a starting point.

No limits exist to what they will “borrow” from you without asking.


Yes, this includes underwear.

Your feelings

Sometimes they trick you into thinking you’re their favorite person in the whole wide world.

But then when their friends come over, they ask you not to show your face?! Ouch.

Their criticisms of your appearance are as painfully accurate as they are insultingly funny.



Jennifer Haubrich

Finding the funny in relationships, parenting, life, and personifying inanimate objects. Contact: