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What the Weird Reindeer Ornament Your Kid Made Really Wants
What the Weird Reindeer Ornament Your Kid Made Really Wants
To start, a better spot on the tree!
Lily Hirsch
Dec 6
Roommate Wanted: Dog Lovers Encouraged
Roommate Wanted: Dog Lovers Encouraged
Must love “pets”
Amarie Skrzyp
Dec 5
At Goldencrest Day School, We Believe You Can’t Put a Price on Education
At Goldencrest Day School, We Believe You Can’t Put a Price on Education
But $55,000 is a great start
Adriana Sterling
Dec 4
What Do You Mean I Can’t Bring My Toddler to Your Adults-Only Resort?
What Do You Mean I Can’t Bring My Toddler to Your Adults-Only Resort?
Brynnleigh and I will not stand for this blatant discrimination
Caroline Horwitz
Dec 3
Mom Makes ‘That’s What She Said’ Joke to 5-Year-Old, Instantly Regrets All Her Life Choices
Mom Makes ‘That’s What She Said’ Joke to 5-Year-Old, Instantly Regrets All Her Life Choices
“It was the end of a long day, and even though I knew better, it just slipped out,” said Sharon, a 31-year-old mother of two, in reference…
Andrew Knott
May 18, 2019
My Kid’s Friend Isn’t Allowed At Our House Anymore
My Kid’s Friend Isn’t Allowed At Our House Anymore
She’s a total narc
Lisa Hides
Apr 11
Father “Kind of Bummed” He Didn’t Receive Praise From Strangers While Grocery Shopping With His…
Father “Kind of Bummed” He Didn’t Receive Praise From Strangers While Grocery Shopping With His…
As the dad of three children under age five, Jason had become accustomed to strangers showering him with praise for performing mundane…
Andrew Knott
May 16, 2019
You Mean You Can’t Take Off 14 Mornings and 36 Afternoons for Your Child’s Preschool Graduation?
You Mean You Can’t Take Off 14 Mornings and 36 Afternoons for Your Child’s Preschool Graduation?
Your child will only graduate from preschool once — or 17 times, if you count the required dress rehearsals…
Jeremy Blachman
Jun 5, 2023
Can You Do Parent Math?
Can You Do Parent Math?
Even calculus can’t prepare you for this
Jennifer Haubrich
Dec 3
December Horoscopes for Parents
December Horoscopes for Parents
The stars foretell that you may not cherish every moment of the month
Julie Vick
Dec 2
A is for Anxiety
A is for Anxiety
A Primer for Parenting Through the Apocalypse
Kate Brennan
Nov 27
An 80s Soundtrack for Middle-Aged Parents
An 80s Soundtrack for Middle-Aged Parents
For your most frequent, favorite, and unavoidable activities
Jennifer Haubrich
Nov 27
Childhood Games, Reimagined For Teens
Childhood Games, Reimagined For Teens
Same games, new rules
Aaron Chown
Nov 26
An Account of the First Thanksgiving by Catherine, a Picky Eater
An Account of the First Thanksgiving by Catherine, a Picky Eater
The Pilgrims had green beans and venison and a kid who refused both
Richie Zaborowske
Nov 25
Quiz: Is It Your Toddler or Another Family Member Bringing the Thanksgiving Chaos?
Quiz: Is It Your Toddler or Another Family Member Bringing the Thanksgiving Chaos?
See if you can figure out who did it
J. M. Sanders
Nov 25
I, the CEO of Stork Delivery, Think You Should Have More Babies
I, the CEO of Stork Delivery, Think You Should Have More Babies
Stop being selfish and get a child or three
Kyrie Gray
Nov 25
Thanksgiving Dinner, As Prepared by a Two-Year-Old Chef
Thanksgiving Dinner, As Prepared by a Two-Year-Old Chef
For clarity’s sake: the chef is a toddler, not a young cook with only 2 years of experience
Amarie Skrzyp
Nov 24
Hey Mommas, It’s Nearly Christmas, Time To Quit Your Job!
Hey Mommas, It’s Nearly Christmas, Time To Quit Your Job!
Are you with me, ladies?
Sarah FitzGerald
Nov 23
I Love Being a #BoyMom to My Boyishly Masculine He-Boy!
I Love Being a #BoyMom to My Boyishly Masculine He-Boy!
Like sharks, if boys stop moving they will die
Katie Burgess
Nov 22
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