eyeo and Fractal Joining Forces to Build a New Standard in Ad Market

eyeo and Fractal partner to create solutions for a fair, profitable web benefitting all stakeholders

Fractal ID Team
Fractal ID
Published in
4 min readMar 30, 2021


We are excited to announce our official partnership with eyeo. eyeo is a platform that creates sustainable value exchanges between advertisers, publishers, and online users. To most internet users, they are known through their flagship product called Adblock Plus boasting 200m users worldwide.

This strategic partnership is a great step in our path to reshaping the Ad Market and the way that content creators, users, and advertisers interact with one another. Fractal and eyeo will work together on the research and development of a new open-source standard to govern data exchange.

This partnership will combine eyeo’s latest product, Crumbs, which offers a tracking-free web experience, and Fractal’s leading technology that focuses on allowing data verifiability while enabling data ownership and privacy.

eyeo will be helping us in building an open-source protocol for exchanging information online, based on a decentralized database and zero-knowledge proof, thus done in a privacy-preserving manner. The protocol will enable the verifiability of data while ensuring transparency, user privacy, and data ownership.

“It’s clear that our online selves are getting closer to our physical selves, a process that will only accelerate in the upcoming years, and one that a lot of us are wary about. Especially now, we have to continue our mission of empowering users by putting them in control of a fair and profitable web, where they feel safe with their data. Fractal’s vision aims for similar user empowerment and we can’t wait to see its progress.” — Rotem Dar, Director of Media Operations at eyeo also leading interal company building initiatives

Creating solutions with the user in mind

So what does this mean for you? Fractal aims to give users full control over who can access their personal data and on what terms that data can be accessed and how it is monetized. We believe in putting the power back in hands of users and content creators. This partnership will give users full authority over what information they choose to share. Should they decide that they are no longer interested in sharing their information, all they will have to do is revoke access.

For advertisers and publishers, the solution we are building will offer a sustainable alternative to the current race to the bottom and level playing field on protocol level. We want to make absolutely sure that the content we all benefit from will be incentivized properly so that the internet can remain a free, accessible place for all.

“We are thrilled to work with eyeo and industry pioneers such as Rotem Dar and the wider eyeo team. With a shared vision of democratizing data and giving users more control of their privacy, this partnership represents an opportunity to create a level playing field for data availability in the ad industry. We look forward to learning from eyeo and building solutions that could be used by eyeo’s impressive user base, as well as the rest of the web.” — Fractal Founder & CEO Julian Leitloff

Today and beyond

As demand continues to grow from online consumers for enhanced privacy and data ownership, we are convinced there is a true opportunity to drive significant change in the way data is collected, stored, used, and monetized by participants of the online economy. We believe that this partnership will be a beacon for change and bridge the gap between privacy and identity.

About Fractal Protocol

Built on Polkadot, Fractal is an open-source, zero-margin protocol that defines a basic standard to exchange user information in a fair and open way, ensuring a high-quality version of the free internet. In its first version, it is designed to replace the ad cookie and give users back control over their data.

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For the avoidance of doubt, please note that the Protocol has not been fully developed. Any statements made about the Protocol are forward-looking statements that merely reflect Fractal’s intention for the functioning of the Protocol. There are known and unknown risks that can cause the results to differ from the forward-looking statements.

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Fractal’s intended purpose of the Tokens is to be used as means of payment for the services that will be offered within the Protocol (the “Services”). The purchase, ownership, receipt or possession of Tokens carries no rights, express or implied, other than the right to use Tokens as a means to enable usage of Services in accordance with the then-applicable terms of use relating to the Services offered within the Protocol. The Tokens do not represent or confer any ownership right or stake, share, security, or equivalent rights, or any right to receive future revenue shares, intellectual property rights or any other form of participation in or relating to the Protocol, Fractal, Service Providers or any of their corporate affiliates, other than any rights relating to the provision and receipt of Services, subject to the applicable terms, conditions or policies that may be adopted by participants in the Protocol.

