Keeping Up With the Regulators — October 2019 Week #3

Your weekly briefing on what’s new in KYC/AML for FinTechs

Catarina Veloso
3 min readOct 22, 2019
Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

As promised, Fractal is sharing our weekly briefings to help FinTechs stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the KYC/AML regulatory space. In case you missed our last issue, here it is:

Find last weeks’ briefing below:

Week 11.10.2019–18.10.2019

What’s cooking in the regulatory space?

  • Australia: Parliament to assess a draft bill establishing the obligation to declare all forms of non-cash money over $10,000 when travelling
  • Croatia: Ministry of Finance opened a consultation on a draft ordinance to adopt the 5th AMLD
  • Finland: “Wall of shame” for entities that have not taken the necessary steps to prevent money laundering is on the plans
  • International: Highlights of the outcome of FATF’s Plenary Meeting:
  1. Jurisdictions no longer subject to monitoring: Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and Tunisia
  2. New jurisdictions subject to monitoring: Iceland, Mongolia and Zimbabwe
  3. Iran has a final deadline of February 2020 to comply with international norms
  4. Pakistan escapes the blacklist for now but could land there if there is no progress until February 2020


  • Estonia’s finance minister says the country should get the majority of the fines banks under investigation will face
  • FATF points out the AML risk posed by stablecoins
  • The UK processes a record number of DAMLs (a suspicious activity report that institutions file for consent to conduct certain transactions)
  • G20 wants money laundering and illicit finance risks addressed before global digital currencies are rolled out
  • COO says he’s confident that the Libra Association will have 100 members by the time the currency launches, despite the recent drop-outs
  • Transparency International attributes AML’s failure to the lack of tools to track down the owners of companies suspected of criminal activity

The AML’s Watch

  • $4 million fine applied to a New Zeland money transfer company for repeated breaches of the AML legislation
  • UBS settles money laundering investigation for 10 million euros
  • Assets seized in PMC Bank money laundering case
  • Turkish bank faces prosecution for allegedly evading US sanctions on Iran

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About the Author:

Catarina Veloso is a legal counsel at Fractal and co-chair of INATBA’s identity working group — Catarina specialized in energy law and focused on how blockchain technology can contribute to the management of electricity grids; but an unexpected(-ly happy) turn of events lead her to work closely with Fractal’s product team to remove all the friction while keeping all the compliance in a global KYC/AML onboarding solution.

