800 Million Year Old Sleeping Beauty Found In Russia

Terry Larch


The scientific community is in a stir, as the remains of an 800 million year old woman was found in Russia. It was the year of 1969, when this discovery happened in a village known as Rzhavchik, in the Kemerovo region. This was unlike anything else discovered until this point in time. If the age of this is indeed for real, then this changes everything we know about our past world history — refuting the theory of evolution.

This happened by accident, as strip mining work was being done at a coal mine. The mining team went far and a miner named Karnaukhov discovered a marble shaped casket which was manufactured unlike anything seen before. Karnaukhov went about 230 feet underground, as he found this strange casket. The coffin had taken its toll, as it began to melt away from the sunlight striking it. Commander Alexander Alexandrovich Masalygin, ordered all of the work being done to stop immediately.

When the coffin was brought into the light, it looked to be pinkish in color, with a blue/pink type liquid inside of it. The coffin looked to be made of some sort of putty. Inside, encased by liquid, was the remains of a beautiful woman. She was approximately thirty years old. Her blue eyes were magnificent as they remained eerily open. Her waist was thin, her hands were short and her fingernails were neatly trimmed.

Image: freaklore.com

