Late CEO Dies Proclaiming We All Live In The Matrix

Terry Larch


She was beloved by her peers and was a real go getter. Erin Valenti was found dead inside her vehicle near a residential neighborhood located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Before this, she was reported to be missing.


In Erin’s own words, she stated that intelligent machines are keeping humans immersed in a simulated reality, unbeknownst to them. Here is where things get interesting, she never used any drugs and she didn’t drink alcohol that people knew of.

However, she allegedly had mental disorders but nobody has come forward with what she struggled with. Her husband even said Erin did not suffer from any kind of mental illness that he knew of.

Her mother, Whitey Valenti, described her daughter as an intense and bright young woman, who graduated with the highest degree at Georgetown University with a degree in business administration before entering the world of private companies.

Erin Valenti was the founder and executive director of Tinker Ventures, an application design and development company, where she managed a global team of 120 employees at its Salt Lake City and Pakistan offices.

Before founding Tinker, she was Director of Product Development at, where she supervised a team of 250 engineers. Erin, who lived in Salt Lake City with her…

