Legend of Kuchisake-onna, The Woman With A Split Mouth

Terry Larch


This urban legend, comes from Japan involving a young woman — who vengefully kills those who cross paths with her. If someone is wandering alone at night, they unfortunately will meet up with Kushisake Onna. This name means “The woman with a split mouth”.

Image: Pixabay

Quite typically, she will be dressed in a long trench coat and part of her face will be covered with a surgical mask. She inherently will ask those who meet up with her, whether or not she is pretty. If someone answers no, then she will chop their head off with a giant-sized pair of scissors.

If they say yes, then she will remove her mask and ask “How about now?” then if someone answers no, she will simply cut them in half with her scissors. If someone answers yes, she will disfigure their face to match hers after she eerily attempts to smile at them.

Image: Pinterest

Her frightening face, appears ripped or cut from one side to the other. Often people are overwhelmed, almost as if they are in a trance-like state of mind, when they encounter her.

A horror movie was made about this urban legend, released back in 2007. It was titled Kuchisake-onna (the original title) and…

