Researcher Says Vampires Are Real And Walk Among Us In New Orleans

Terry Larch


Most anyone knows about vampires and what they do. These foul blood sucking fiends will stop at nothing to get what they want. To them, blood is life and the core of their existence. Not all vampires are believed to be evil, but there are those who are practicing these blood type rituals.

Outsiders looking in, will think these people have mental disorders but they stand by their beliefs. Sometimes this can be referred to as clinical vampirism, these people or shall we say vampires have the lingering desire to feed upon living mammals for sustenance.

There are many European legends that refer to vampires, many stories have been told about them and numerous films have glamorized what they are and do. Often these vampires appear pale complected and dress in dark attire.

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At times, their teeth are stained by blood and appear red or reddish-brown. The legends about vampires say they must avoid the sun or else their skin will burn into flames. Superstitiously, garlic is used to ward away these blood suckers.

John Edgar Browning is researcher from Louisiana State University. He claims there are at least 50 known bloodsuckers within the city of New Orleans alone. These bloodsuckers drink either human or animal blood. Aside from this, these vampires drain energy…

