Riddled With Rumors Helltown, Ohio Permanently Closed

Terry Larch


Now an abandoned village, this remote location is riddled with rumors and numerous urban legends that have taken place here. Originally established back in 1806, this area flourished until 1974.

Image: The Crybaby Bridge in Helltown by Andrew Borgen

President Gerald Ford, later would sign a bill which allowed the National Park Service to create a National Park in the county area.

After this, the homes here in the Boston Township, of Summit County, Ohio were then abandoned and later boarded up. The nickname for this area, is now known as Helltown, Ohio. Several homes were purchased by the government back during December 27th of 1974. Later, the homes were demolished down completely.

Over time, different sightings and encounters have been mentioned about this place. Some of the things include cults performing human sacrifices, a supposed serial killer once frequented here, ghosts have been spotted here and a mutant python among other things in this dark foreboding place.

This is a small place and a part of the Akron Metropolitan Statistical Area. The map location is labeled as Peninsula, Ohio. However, finding Helltown isn’t easy, as it is not found on any printed Ohio map.

There are less than 600 people who call this area home. There were some people who mentioned, this place is so dangerous — that being…

