The Hat Man

Terry Larch


While there have been many ghostly entities which have haunted people, one of them stands out from its appearance and that is the Hat Man.

Image: YouTube

This creepy shadowy fiend, appears wearing a wide brimmed hat or fedora on its head. Witnesses have mentioned, he has no face or the face which is seen — is often blurred by its appearance.

Often ghosts appear only for a brief few moments, but the Hat Man seems different this way. The Hat Man more often than not, will hang around for an extended period of time before he touches and strangles his victims to death.

It is believed that this Hat Man ghost, seems to linger in places where evil acts have happened before. Perhaps whatever this is, may well be attracted to hostile environments and people. This sinister shadowy fiend, may find its way to different situations — including but not limited to domestic disturbances as an example.

When the encounters are reported by people, they are often overwhelmed by a sense of dread, as they wander in certain areas. It is believed that what they may feel, has to do with the Hat Man.

Image: YouTube

Another theory about the Hat Man is it not being ghost, but more of a demonic type of entity. The…

