The Varginha UFO Incident

Terry Larch


Perhaps this event is the biggest thing since the infamous Roswell incident. The event took place back on January 20th, 1996. An alleged sighting took place of an extraterrestrial creature during the afternoon.

What was seen, was a rather odd looking creature that stood around 5 feet tall. This alien being had a large head and very thin shaped body.

It’s feet were V-shaped and its skin was brown colored. The head was oval with large red eyes. All of this, was witnessed by several sisters and their friend in Varginha, Brazil.

Image: YouTube

These young women were between 14 to 21 years old. The sisters names are Liliane and Valquíria Fátima Silva. Their friend is Kátia Andrade Xavier.

As these young women glanced over, they noticed this odd creature leaning towards a wall. It appeared that this thing was either injured or sick. It’s head seemed to wobble back and forth rather unsteadily.

Image: YouTube

When the sisters returned home, they told their mother that they had seen the devil itself. Of course during this time, the mother simply dismissed it as nonsense — until she herself decided to check it out.

