Theory Says We Are Living In A Holographic Universe

Terry Larch


The holographic principle is a theoretical concept in physics that states that the information contained in a volume of space can be stored on a boundary to that volume with two fewer dimensions. This means that a three-dimensional (3D) universe could be a projection of a two-dimensional (2D) surface.

The holographic principle was first proposed by Gerard ‘t Hooft in 1993, and it has since been developed by other physicists, including Leonard Susskind. The principle has been supported by a number of theoretical and experimental results, but it remains a controversial topic in physics.

There are a number of different ways to think about the holographic principle. One way is to imagine a 2D surface that is completely covered in tiny pixels. Each pixel can be assigned a value, such as black or white. By manipulating the values of the pixels, we can create a 3D image. This is essentially how a hologram works.

Image: Lumina Obscura from Pixabay

In the holographic universe, the 2D surface represents the boundary to the universe. The pixels on the surface represent all of the information that exists in the universe. By manipulating the values of the pixels, we can create the illusion of a 3D universe.

Another way to think about the holographic principle is to consider the relationship between gravity and information. In…

