Time Traveler Warns Of Future Earth

Terry Larch


A time traveler spent two years into our future, he mentioned just how much our world will change. By the year 2749, both our population and landscape will be dramatically altered.

How humanity lives will be quite different as well, by the comparison of today. The remaining survivors, will press onward surviving on an Earth which is unlike anything known from before.

Image: YouTube / Al Bielek

The mans name is Al Bielek, a controversy surrounds his statements and even his background — as it is suspected that his identification has been forged for a reason. The question is, whether or not this was done intentionally. Is what he said actual truth or one elaborated story?

Al Bielek discussed what he remembered from spending six weeks in our distant future. He recalls the year, it was 2137. Later, he went further forward in time living in 2749 for several more years thereafter. What is now happening on Earth, is accurate to what Al Bielek mentioned.

Perhaps it is a sign of the times, as The New World Order prepares to takeover the rule of Earth. Climate change is happening and is real, recently in California — the Oroville Dam gave way as nearly 200,000 people had to evacuate their homes.

Other devastating geological events have been happening around the world as well. Al Bielek was a part of the Montauk…

