WikiLeaks Document Confirms, The United States Destroyed An Alien Moon Base

Terry Larch


An intriguing document was released by WikiLeaks, stating that the United States had a secret base on the Moon. It allegedly was later destroyed by Russia. Many have thought for years, that something else unusual has been going on since the early days of space exploration.

Image: Wikileaks

Paranormal researcher Scott Waring said the following:

“I was researching the WikiLeaks website and I found this information pertaining to a secret lunar base that the United States had destroyed in the late 1970’s. The cable has only the details of the document, but not all because the document was written by hand and was never put in digital format.”

“How would the United States destroy an alien base on Earth’s moon without anyone suspecting it? That is easy. Do you remember the Apollo missions? Well, there were supposed to be more than 20 missions of this type on the Moon, however, NASA suddenly stopped at Apollo 17, to perform some secret black operations missions involving the recovery of extraterrestrial technology and the recognition of alien structures and ships and to detect any possible threat to the US.”

Waring went on to say, “I met a man named William Rutledge in 2011 on YouTube when he uploaded half a dozen videos of the Apollo 20 mission in which he…

