Emotion + Tailwind — twin.macro

Fred Wong
Published in
1 min readJan 17, 2023

The current Nextjs project uses Tailwind css and we want to bring in styled component. Our team decided to use Emotion + Tailwind.


A package similar to styled-component package but works well with Tailwind css

A few packages that we want to pay attention to

@emotion/core: main package

@emotion/react: integrate Emotion with React, it includes all the functionality of @emotion/core

@emotion/styled: get the styled to create styled component

@emotion/css: use Emotion with traditional CSS

It should be good enough to install @emotion/react and @emotion/styled

The reason to choose twin.macro over other packages

Setup guild


dev dependency: babel-plugin-twin , twin.macro

add this block at the bottom of package.json

  "babelMacros": {
"twin": {
"preset": "emotion"


"presets": [
"preset-react": {
"runtime": "automatic",
"importSource": "@emotion/react"
"plugins": [


