Mid-May Newsletter

From Free Amazon Reviews For Your Featured Book

Katharine Valentino
Reviews for Featured Books


Image of the main page at Free Amazon Reviews For Your Featured Book

I am remiss. I promised to write newsletters for Free Amazon Reviews For Your Featured Book more often than I have. I apologize for not living up to my promise.

I’ve become a bit discouraged about this effort to get us all more reviews and sales of our books. Forty-two authors have listed their featured books, which is all well and good, but only eight reviews have been written by five of these authors.

I’ll be less discouraged if I now take this opportunity to thank our five reviewers:

Of these eight reviews, five have been posted on The Reviews page in the publication. Five.


Outside of Medium, in the cold cruel world of the Internet, I pay $20 a month for the privilege of belonging to a site that allows me to list my book. On this site, I can get a review only by first doing a review of someone else’s listed book. This site seems to be doing well, so I wonder why Free Amazon Reviews For Your Featured Book is doing so poorly.

What should I do?

Does “free” not work well?

I will never charge you $20 to join Medium authors with featured books. The whole idea was to make this free. However, I could learn and implement some programming that would enable you to receive a review only after you do a review.

I’ve been told more than once that people don’t value something if they don’t pay for it. Payment, in this case, would be writing a review.

Would not-so-free work better than free?

Would more articles about the publication bring us more reviews?

I’ve written five or six articles publicizing the publication and requesting reviews. Here are two of them: Calling All Book Reviewers, which requests reviews by any Medium reader; and Amazon Book Reviews for Your Featured Book on Medium, which requests both book listings and reviews.

Should I write more of these types of articles? Would one of you, or all of you, write such an article?

Would reaching out more often to Medium authors with featured books get us more reviews?

I do this three or four times a week when I read a story or comment made by someone who has a featured book. Would one of you, or all of you, also reach out?

I can make this easy for you. Just copy and paste the following somewhere where you can access it quickly and then copy and paste it into a comment whenever you see that author flag next to a Medium writer’s name.

I see you have a featured book on Medium. You may want to check out a new Medium publication, Free Amazon Reviews for Your Featured Book. These reviews are written by Medium readers most of whom themselves have featured books, and they satisfy Amazon requirements. You are welcome to join us, get more reviews and sales for your book, and maybe also find books by Medium authors that you want to read and review.

Please help me out here

Is there anything more I can do to get you more reviews — and consequently more sales — for your book? You may have a suggestion to do something I’ve not even thought of. I’m open to all suggestions (in comments).

Can you make a commitment (again, in comments ) to do some reviews, write an article about our reviews, or reach out to other Medium authors about getting reviews?

With a little encouragement, I spring right back from discouragement to energetic optimism.



Katharine Valentino
Reviews for Featured Books

Still trying for the words to help us do & feel good things. Owner of Reviews for Medium Featured Books. I write life stories & about politics / social issues.