Something So Crazy

Chris Teso
A Stream of Consciousness
1 min readFeb 11, 2016

there’s something so crazy that made me believe
the day wouldn’t come when I heard you would leave
cause it’s the single belief that there’s only a one
that can touch you so deep that you ignore all the signs
that have been building for years
while you built up a wall
that kept out the pressures
the reality of it all
that people are something at points in theirs lives
and totally different when the moment arrives
so you feel like a sheet that’s been out on the line
drying in the sun blowing through time
and when you pull in the line and inspect what you’ve found
you notice the feelings you thought would be there
have left you forever replaced by a fear
that beliefs that you had
were never that sound
they were dreamed in a trance
confirmed in your eyes
born in the years when love was defined
so don’t think of me dear
when you think of that day
that you decided to leave
and just walk away
just remember a trick
was played on your mind
born in the years when love was defined

Originally written in September of 2005

