Signs Your Girlfriend is Keeping Your Toenail Shavings for Her Little Spells

Isabella Dillman
3 min readFeb 17, 2021


oh, and that’s period blood btw.

Have you been feeling strange lately? Maybe you just met a girl and you’re really excited by this whole new thing. But does that really sound like you? Doesn’t it seem like you’ve been a little extra in love lately, like maybe you would lay your life on the line for your girlfriend that you’ve only been with for a few months? Well, that and more could be a sign that she is performing spells on you using your toenail clippings!

She is very suspicious in the bathroom.

She often spends hours in there lighting candles and chanting. At first you thought she was masturbating really loudly, but now you are getting a little scared. If those are the sounds she makes when she’s shitting it isn’t even worth being with her. Either one of those is unsettling, but what she’s really doing is much worse. She’s gathering your toenail shavings out of the carpet and doing her little spells.

You never see her when it’s a full moon.

You’ve tried to set up date nights, sleep overs, even star gazes when there is a beautiful moon up in the sky, but she is always indisposed. She only answers your texts if the moon is waxing or waning. Is she a werewolf? No. She’s meeting with her coven to pray over an open fire…

