Fw: A Message from Tyler Perry — Give A Little Today

Kimberly M. Cooley
Free By Design
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2008

One more quick one. A few of my last posts have been solely about giving, and I received this email so I’m sharing this too! Tyler really hit some key points in this message — to me that is. In conversation with someone a few weeks back, I stated that my resume does not have to list my community service and philanthropy because publicizing these type of actions is NOT important to me. Its not a resume builder, but rather something that makes me feel good. Out of this comes no professional gain. I understand that this type of stuff is considered BUT, to me, I could care less if the world knew about every time I gave to, helped or supported someone or some thing.

One love — kimberly

K.M. Cooley

Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

— — -Original Message — — -

From: “Tyler Perry Mailing List” <announcement@tylerperrystudios.net>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 12:19:58
Subject: A Message from Tyler Perry — Give A Little Today

Oh Hello!!

Where you been? LOL…

I’ve been getting all the messages on the message board about where am I.

Thank you for that. I’m fine! I did leave the desert. I was only there three weeks. I came back to Atlanta and shot another movie, MADEA GOES TO JAIL. It is off the hook! Y’all ain’t ready! Oh, by the way, can I just tell you thank you for watching House of Payne? The ratings on this show are higher than a lot of shows on some major networks. I thank you for that.
God’s favor is something else. I told you that this show would get better and you still have not seen the best of it yet. By the way, I want you all to watch an episode coming up. I’m not sure
when it will air but it’s coming up soon. It’s about teenagers and sex, and YOUR KIDS NEED TO SEE IT. You are going to burn up the board when it airs. It’s coming on soon. Don’t worry, it’s safe. It will help you to talk to them.

Can I talk about giving for a second? It was reported that I left a huge tip at a Red Lobster. A lot of people had something to say about that. It’s not about me trying to show people what I can do. It’s about me trying to show kindness to people — especially people that may be going through.
I remember in ’96 I think it was, I was standing in a supermarket. It was a Winn Dixie in Atlanta. I was starving. I had looked through every crevice in my car (that they were trying to find to repossess) trying to find enough change to buy a pack of cookies. They were called the Big 60. That was my meal for the week. Sixty cookies for a dollar, I think it was. Anyway, I got up to the counter with all these pennies. The cashier was frustrated. The people in line were frustrated. But there was one woman in line who said, “Go ahead, I’ll pay for it”. I took my cookies and cried all the way to my car. Sometimes people just need a little kindness. So, when I left this tip for this woman, it wasn’t about me flirting with her. It wasn’t about me trying to get anything from her. It was about the kindness that someone had showed me, and how I wanted to pass it on. I was a little offended that someone would report that. Lots of people do things so that they can get something out of it. That’s not me. I’m not the kind of person that does something and then calls the news to say, “Look what I’ve done!”

One woman left on the message board, “What are you doing to give back. I never hear about you giving back!” Well, you don’t hear about it because I don’t report it, but just so you will know — I’ve dug wells in Africa for thousands of people. I’ve privately paid medical bills for people who couldn’t afford it. I’ve paid for the funerals of children and parents where there families couldn’t afford it. I’ve supported living centers for the elderly, bought gifts for hundreds of children and people in shelters, fed thousands of homeless people, and built 20 houses for Katrina victims. I’ve paid the back taxes to help elderly folks keep their homes, given away vacations and cars and houses to my employees, built and started churches. And the list goes on…. and I know that many of you have never heard of any of this stuff and that’s because I give in secret and God
rewards me openly. Now today trust me — the only reason that I’m sharing this with you is so that you will know. When I give I’m being led, not trying to be seen.

So please pass it on. Give a little today and watch God multiply it and give it back to you. If I didn’t give then I wouldn’t be in the position that I’m in now. There is a law to giving. When you give from your heart, not expecting anything in return, you open yourself up to receive many blessing from God.




Kimberly M. Cooley
Free By Design

Digital Influencer, Marketing and PR Advisor, Power Auntie • 190th Liver Transplant Recipient @UMMCNews 2018