A quick introduction to OAuth using Passport.js

Arun Kumar
We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news
3 min readJun 7, 2018
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

What is OAuth?

OAuth (Open Authorization) is an authorization protocol. A third party application can use it to access user data from a site (like Google or Twitter) without revealing their password. Sites like Quora, Medium, AirBnb and many others offer authentication using OAuth.

OAuth really makes our lives simpler by eliminating the need to remember the password of every account you create on almost any site. You just have to remember your OAuth provider’s main account password.

What is Passport.js?

Passport is a middleware which implements authentication on Express-based web applications. It provides over 500+ strategies. What are these strategies? Strategies are used to authenticate requests. Each strategy has its own npm package (such as passport-twitter, passport-google-oauth20). A strategy must be configured before usage.

Why use Passport.js?

Here are six reasons stating why you should use Passport:

  • It is lightweight
  • Easily configurable
  • Supports persistent sessions
  • Offers OAuth
  • Provides separate modules for each strategy
  • Gives you the ability to implement custom strategies

Let’s build something

To get started, we need to install passport from NPM:

npm install passport 

We are going to build a simple app which grants the user access to a secret route only if they log in. I’m going to be using the passport-google-oauth20 strategy in this tutorial. Feel free to use any other strategy you prefer, but make sure to check the docs to see how it is configured.

Before continuing, we need a clientID and clientSecret. To get one, head over to https://console.developers.google.com and create a new project. Then go to Enable APIs and Services and enable the Google+ API. Select the API and click on create credentials.

Fill out the form and use the same callback URL on both the form and on your file. Make sure to read the comments on the code to figure out how everything fits together.



As you can see, we’ve created a /secret route, and only grant access to it if the user is authenticated. To verify whether the user is authenticated, we’ve created a middleware which checks if the request has the user object in it. Finally, to log out we used the req.logout() method provided by passport to clear the session.

Here are some resources to learn more about passport

Complete Passport.js tutorial series


We only saw one strategy here. There are 500+ more. I highly recommend that you skim through Passport’s official documentation and find out what else they offer. Thank you for taking your time to read this. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter and GitHub. I wish you good luck!

“Do what is great, written on a computer monitor.” by Martin Shreder on Unsplash

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