How to help a Teenager launch an iOS App

How to go from Scratch to an iPhone app in the App store

Sean Choi
We’ve moved to


As a follow up to two of my prior articles, (How to teach programming to teenagers and Beginner’s Guide to Raspberry Pi), I want to share my experiences in helping a teenager go from coding in Scratch to building and deploying an iOS app.

As mentioned in one of my prior articles, I noticed that teenagers have a strong desire to do something that feels more real. So, the natural question that repetitively came up in many of my classes was “Can we build an iPhone App?”. I felt that the time was right for the students to build an app, and I asked them each to pitch an idea.

A week later, one of the students came back with an idea and it seemed really really interesting, so we decided to take some time outside of the regular class time and build it together. And we ended up with a cool app called SwimGrader.

Asian Games Swimming from Wikipedia Commons

How did SwimGrader come about?

My student is an avid swimmer and has always been curious how good his swimming is. Assessing your own swimming ability is not really obvious, and you often need some expert to tell you how good you are.

We all know that lowering lap time is the goal most athletes shoot for, so a lot of people attempt to…



Sean Choi
We’ve moved to

Stanford, SF, SV-based educator & researcher & engineer writing about interesting technical things.