How to choose which validator to use: a comparison between Joi & express-validator

The world is a dangerous place, which is why you need data validation


Imagine you have an e-commerce website and you’re allowing users to create accounts using their name and email. You want to make sure they sign up with real names, not something like cool_dud3.

That's where we use validation to validate inputs and make sure input data follows certain rules.

In the market, we already have a bunch of validation libraries, but I will compare two important validation libraries: Joi and express-validator for express.js based applications.

This comparison is useful when you have decided to use external input validation library for your application built on expressjs and are somewhat not sure which one to use.

Who is what?


Joi allows you to create blueprints or schemas for JavaScript objects (an object that stores information) to ensure validation of key information.


express-validator is a set of express.js middlewares that wraps validator.js validator and sanitizer functions.

So by definition, we can say that:

  • Joi can be used for creating schemas (just like we use mongoose for creating NoSQL schemas) and you can use it with plain Javascript objects. It's like a plug n play library and is easy to use.
  • On the other hand, express-validator uses validator.js to validate expressjs routes, and it's mainly built for express.js applications. This makes this library more niche and provides out of box custom validation and sanitization. Also, I find it easy to understand personally :)

Too many methods and API's for doing certain validation in Joi might make you feel overwhelmed so you might end up closing the tab.

But I may be wrong — so let’s keep opinions aside and compare both libraries.



In Joi, you need to use Joi.object() to instantiate a Joi schema object to work with.

All schemas require Joi.object()to process validation and other Joi features.

You need to separately read req.body , req.params , req.query to request body, params, and query.


You can just require express-validator and start using its methods. You don't need to read values from req.body , req.params , and req.query separately.

You just need to use the param, query, body methods below to validate inputs respectively as you can see here:

Field is required

Let’s take a very basic example where we want to make sure that a username should be required string and is alphaNumeric with min and max characters.

  • Joi:
  • Express-validator


Sanitization is basically checking input to make sure it's free of noise, for example, we all have used .trim() on string to remove spaces.

Or if you have faced a situation where a number is coming in as "1" so in those cases, we want to sanitize and convert the type during runtime.

Sadly, Joi doesn’t provide sanitization out of the box but express-validator does.

Example: converting to MongoDB’s ObjectID

Custom Validation

Joi: .extend(extension)

This creates a new Joi instance customized with the extension(s) you provide included.

The extension makes use of some common structures that need to be described first:

  • value - the value being processed by Joi.
  • state - an object containing the current context of validation.
  • key - the key of the current value.
  • path - the full path of the current value.
  • parent - the potential parent of the current value.
  • options - options object provided through any().options() or Joi.validate().


extension can be:

  • a single extension object
  • a factory function generating an extension object
  • or an array of those

Extension objects use the following parameters:

  • name - name of the new type you are defining, this can be an existing type. Required.
  • base - an existing Joi schema to base your type on. Defaults to Joi.any().
  • coerce - an optional function that runs before the base, usually serves when you want to coerce values of a different type than your base. It takes 3 arguments value, state and options.
  • pre - an optional function that runs first in the validation chain, usually serves when you need to cast values. It takes 3 arguments value, state and options.
  • language - an optional object to add error definitions. Every key will be prefixed by the type name.
  • describe - an optional function taking the fully formed description to post-process it.
  • rules - an optional array of rules to add.
  • name - name of the new rule. Required.
  • params - an optional object containing Joi schemas of each parameter ordered. You can also pass a single Joi schema as long as it is a Joi.object(). Of course some methods such as pattern or rename won't be useful or won't work at all in this given context.
  • setup - an optional function that takes an object with the provided parameters to allow for internal manipulation of the schema when a rule is set. You can optionally return a new Joi schema that will be taken as the new schema instance. At least one of either setup or validate must be provided.
  • validate - an optional function to validate values that takes 4 parameters params, value, state and options. At least one of setup or validate must be provided.
  • description - an optional string or function taking the parameters as an argument to describe what the rule is doing.



A custom validator may be implemented by using the chain method .custom(). It takes a validator function.

Custom validators may return Promises to indicate an async validation (which will be awaited upon), or throw any value/reject a promise to use a custom error message.

Conditional Validation

express-validator does not support conditional validation as of now, but there is a PR for that already you can check

Let’s see how it works in Joi:

any.when(condition, options)

any: Generates a schema object that matches any data type.

alternatives.when(condition, options)

Adds a conditional alternative schema type, either based on another key (not the same as any.when()) value, or a schema peeking into the current value, where:

  • condition - the key name or reference, or a schema.
  • options - an object with:
  • is - the required condition joi type. Forbidden when condition is a schema.
  • then - the alternative schema type to try if the condition is true. Required if otherwise is missing.
  • otherwise - the alternative schema type to try if the condition is false. Required if then is missing.

Nested Validation

When you want to validate an array of objects/items or just object keys

Both libraries support nested validation

Now what about express-validator?


Wildcards allow you to iterate over an array of items or object keys and validate each item or its properties.

The * character is also known as a wildcard.


Custom Error Messages


any.error(err, [options])

Overrides the default joi error with a custom error



I covered the most important parts of both libraries and you can decide yourself which one you want to use. Please let me know in the comments below if I left out anything important in the comparison.

I hope you find it helpful when deciding the next input validation module for your express.js application.

I wrote an in-depth article on it here: how to validate inputs. Do check it out.

Don’t hesitate to clap if you considered this a worthwhile read!

Originally published at on March 31, 2019.

