How to get rid of NullPointerException

Shani Fedida
We’ve moved to
7 min readOct 25, 2018
NullPointerException — it surprises me the same as it surprises you

OverOps, an Israeli company which helps developers understand what happens in production, carried out research on what the top Java exceptions were in production. Want to guess which one is in #1 place? NullPointerException.

NullPointerException OverOps’s monster

Why is this exception is so frequent? I argue (as does Uncle Bob 😉) that it is not because developers forget to add null checks.

The reason: developers use nulls too often.

So where do all those NULLs come from?

In C# and Java, all reference types can point to null. We can get a reference to point to null in the following ways:

  • “uninitialized” reference type variables — variables which are initialized with nulls and are assigned their real value afterward. A bug can cause them never to be reassigned.
  • uninitialized reference-type class members.
  • explicit assignment to null or returning null from a function

Here are some patterns I noticed in functions returning null:

Error handling

Returning null when the input is invalid. This is one way of returning error codes. I think it is an old school programming style, originating in the time when exceptions didn’t exist.

Missing optional data for entities

An entity’s property can be optional. When there is no data for an optional property, it returns null.

Hierarchical models

In hierarchical models, we usually can navigate up and down. When we are at the top, we need a way to say so, usually it is by returning null.

Find functions

When we want to find an entity by criteria in a collection, we return null as a way to say the entity was not found.

What are the problems with using nulls?

It will blow up. Eventually…

The code in which the NullPointerException is raised can be very far from where the bug is. It makes tracing the real problem harder. Especially if the code is branched.

I am happy now but I will blow up eventually.

In the following code example, there is a bug, somewhere in class A, causing entity to be null. But the NullPointerException is raised inside a function of class B. Real-life code can be much more complicated.

Hidden errors

I encounter null checks which seems like the developer was thinking:

  • “I know I should check for null but I don’t know what it means when the function returns null and I don’t know what to do with it,” or
  • “ I think this cannot be null but just to make sure, I don’t want it to blow up production”

It usually looks like this:

Code example from the book “Clean Code” by Uncle Bob.

Those kinds of null checks cause some code logic to not trigger, without the ability to know about it. Writing that kind of code means that some logic of a flow failed but the whole flow succeeded. It also can cause a bug in some other functionality which assumed the other function did its job.

Imagine you buy a ticket to a show online. You got a success message! The day of the show finally arrived, you leave work early, arrange a babysitter, and go to see the show. When you arrive you discover you don’t have tickets! and there are no empty seats. You return home upset and confused😠. Can you see how this kind of null check can cause this situation ?

It also makes the code branched and ugly 😢

Missing non-nullable reference types in C# and Java

In C# and Java reference types can always point to null. This leads to a situation that we cannot know, by looking at a function signature, if null is a valid input or output of it. I believe most of the functions don’t return or accept null.

Because it is hard to know if a function returns null or not (unless documented), developers are either inserting null checks when not needed, or don’t check for nulls when needed — and yes, sometimes putting null checks when needed 😉.

This poor design choice causes the problems I described before in “Hidden errors” and a lot of NullPointerException errors, of course. Lose-lose situation. 😢

There are languages like Kotlin that aim to eliminate NullPointerException errors by differentiating between nullable references and non-nullable references. This allows catching the null assigned to non-null references, and making sure developers check for null before dereferencing nullable references, all at compile time.

Microsoft is adopting the same approach by introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#8.

So what should we do?

Listen to Uncle Bob

Robert C. Martin, who is widely known as “Uncle Bob,” wrote one of the most famous books about clean code called (surprisingly) “Clean Code”. In this book, Uncle Bob claims, we should not return nulls and should not pass null to a function.

But how?

I want to propose some technical patterns for eliminating null usage. I am not saying this is the best solution for every scenario — just options.

Using the option type

The option type is a different way to represent an optional value. This type asks if a value exists and, if so, accesses the value. When trying to access the value which doesn’t exist, it raises an exception. This solves the problem of NullPointerException raised in code areas away from the bug. In Java there is Optional<T>class. In C# (until C# 7 ) there is the Nullable type which is only for value types but you can create your own or use a library.

A straightforward approach is to replace a reference that can be null (by logic) with this type:

Splitting the function into two

Each function that returns null will be converted to two functions. One function with the same signature throws an exception instead of returning null. The second function returns a boolean representing if it is valid or not to call the first function. Let’s see an example:

If the code holding an IEmployee instance assumes this employee has a manager the code should call to Manager. But if this assumption doesn’t exist the code should call to HasManager and handle the two possible outputs.

Let’s see another example:

The logic of ContainsEmployeById is basically the same as FindEmployeById but without returning the employee. Now let’s say that those functions reach the DB, we have a performance problem here. Let’s introduce a similar but different pattern: the boolean function when returning true will also return the data we search for. It looks like this:

A common use of this pattern is int.Parse and int.TryParse.

The fact that I can separate a function to two functions and each has its own usages is a sign that returning null is a code smell for violating the Single Responsibility Principle.

Splitting the interface

A practical guideline we can derive from the Liskov principle is that a class must implement all functions of an interface it implements. Returning null or throwing an exception are ways to not implement a function. So returning null is a code smell for violating the Liskov principle.

If a class can’t implement a specific interface’s function we can move that function to another interface and each class will implement only the interface it can.

Now instead of asking employee.HasManager — which we will do if we used the first approach “Splitting the function into two” — we ask employee is IManagedEmployee.

I am not working alone and not on a greenfield project. What now?

In existing codebases, there area lot of code returning reference types. We cannot know if null is valid output or not.

The first quick win I wish you to have is to change your coding conventions so null is not a valid input or output to a function. Or, at least when you decide that null is a valid output, use the Option type.

There are some tools which can help to enforce this convention like ReSharper and NullGuard. I guess, although I haven’t tried this yet, you can add a custom rule to SonarQube which will alert when the word null appears.

I would love to know what you think. Are you going to embrace this convention? And if not, why? What’s holding you back?

If you encounter a scenario in which you think returning null is the right design choice, or the patterns I suggested are not good, I would love to know.

Thanks Mark Kazakov‏ for the funny meme, Alex Zhitnitsky from OverOps for answering my questions, Baot for organizing a great writing event for new bloggers, and Itzik Saban , Amitay Horwitz and Max Ophius for giving me feedback.



Shani Fedida
We’ve moved to

A clean coder and enthusiastic developer from a young age. I am a systematic developer and care a lot about best practices and methodologies.