How to write more powerful unit tests by using value assertions

Edd Yerburgh
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3 min readOct 5, 2017

Unit tests are awesome. Writing unit tests reduces bugs by 40–80%.

But you need to do them right. Poorly written unit tests can suffocate a codebase, and cause more problems than they solve.

One way to improve your unit tests is to use value assertions.

In this article we’ll look at what value assertions are, and how to use them to improve your tests.

Understanding assertions

Assertions are functions that check to make sure the code behaved as we expected.

Different languages have different conventions. In JavaScript, it’s common to follow the expect pattern. This is where you expect a condition to match a value.

We combine the expect function with another function called a matcher.

In the example below, we expect the result of sum(1,1) to equal 2. The toBe matcher checks that the expect value equals 2.


If the result of sum(1,1) equals 2, the function won’t do anything and the test will pass. If sum(1,1) doesn’t equal 2, the function throws an assertion error and the test fails.

Debugging assertion errors

In test frameworks, assertion errors are formatted to make the message easier to read. Assertion errors let you figure out quickly what went wrong in the test.

You can see a failing Jest assertion error below:

A Jest assertion error

For some reason, sum(1,1) returned 3.

If we check the code, we’ll find someone accidentally added b twice:

function sum(a,b) {
return a + b + b

We can fix the error quickly and get the sum function working again. The assertion error helped us figure out what went wrong and where.

What’s a value assertion?

A value assertion is an assertion that compares two values.

We just wrote a value assertion:


And it generated the assertion error:

Expected value to be (using ===): 2 Received: 3

What other assertions are there?

Another common assertion is a boolean assertion.

A boolean assertion is an assertion that compares two booleans.

expect(add(1,1) === 2).toBe(true)

This generates a boolean assertion error:

Expected value to be (using ===): true Received: false

Debugging a value assertion

Value assertions throw descriptive assertion errors.

When a test fails with a value assertion, you can see why the test is failing. This gives us a clue to what is happening in the code:

warning: expected 'somevalue' to equal 'some value'

You know what to look for in the code when you see an error like this. Oh, it looks like someone deleted a space by accident.

Value assertions improve the debuggability (yes that’s a word) of unit tests. From reading the assertion error, you can see what went wrong in the test.

Let’s look at an assertion error from a boolean assertion:

A Jest boolean assertion error

What’s gone wrong?

It takes longer to debug a test with a boolean assertion, because you don’t know what value was returned by the tested code.

This makes boolean assertion errors pretty useless in unit tests.

Writing value assertions

So we want to write value assertions.

Most JavaScript testing libraries provide functions to write value assertions.

Jest contains tons of useful matchers to create value assertions:

.toHaveProperty(keyPath, value)

Call to action

Now you understand the power of value assertions, your tests will improve.

Get out there and write some debuggable unit tests!

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