React-cache, time slicing, and fetching with a synchronous API

Marvin Frachet
We’ve moved to
8 min readJan 11, 2019

Well, this year seems to be the year of React. You’ve probably heard of the new killer feature that is coming with the 16.7-alpha.0 — Hooks. You’ve probably also heard about some other great and cool stuff like Time Slicing or even Suspense.

This article doesn’t aim at describing how to use some of the new features but rather at proving how they may have been built. Just for the sake of understanding what we are playing with.

It’s also written in the way I have discovered the feature. It’s probably not the way it has been thought up, but this is how I got the points.

What you’ll find while reading:

  • Async JavaScript and the event loop
  • Algebraic Effects in React, with example
  • Fiber and React Phases

Why did I write this post?

What made me want to write this post was this special, and experimental, feature that allows the use of asynchronous operations using a synchronous API:

const bulbasaur =… What the? Synchronous?!

The react-cache library creates the ability to use asynchronous operations with a synchronous API. This is the feature that made me want to learn how React is working under the hood. Here’s a presentation by presented by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark on this library:

Dan Abramov — React Island 2018- Suspense… ;)

How is that even possible? How can we get some remote data using synchronous calls?

Let’s deep dive into this example and try to understand how react-cache implements such a functionality and discover how it can work. This story starts with the fiber architecture.

Controlling JavaScript operations

Fiber architecture allows React to take control over task executions. It has been built to solve multiple problems that React suffered from. Here are the two that caught my attention:

  • prioritising over specific events, like user input over data fetching
  • asynchronously splitting React computation to retain the main thread availability and to avoid to block it during long rendering processes

Everything that triggers a state change — not only with React — inside a JavaScript application is due to asynchronous operations. These include setTimeout , fetch , and listeners for events.

Asynchronous operations are managed through multiple JavaScript core concepts:

  • tasks (micro, macro, render etc…)
  • event loop
  • callstack

If you’re not familiar with these concepts, I suggest you take a look at this video by Jake Archibald:

Jake Archibald on the Event Loop

Thanks to fiber, user inputs are resolved before other asynchronous operations such as fetch calls.

How is this even possible?

Well, Archibald’s talk above was the first paved stone of my own path of learning about how event loop works. He says that micro tasks — generated through the Promise API, for example — are executed and flushed before the next macro task. This process uses callback-based methods like setTimeout.

So, if you remember my “user input versus fetching data” comparison, how did the team make fetch resolutions after onChange resolutions?

Callback and Promise resolutions

None of these concepts fit in the same spec, WhatWG / HTML5 / Ecma-262, and are provided from different places like the browser or JS engines.

I mean, how are we supposed to resolve a Promise after a setTimeout?

This sounded absolutely crazy to me and it was really hard to get an idea of how it could be working. The fact is that it takes place in a higher level.

Later, I watched the incredible talk from Brandon Dail at React Rally. This presents the new Time Slicing and Suspense features that have been shipped thanks to the React fiber architecture:

Brandon Dail — Algebraic effects, Fibers, Coroutines…

According to Dail, fiber is just like the usual JavaScript callstack where each item in the stack is called a fiber. It is different to the callstack that relies on frames which represent functions (+ metadata). Rather, a fiber represents a component (+ metadata). Let’s see a fiber as a huge box around a component that knows everything about it.

There is an important difference between these two concepts.

On the first hand, the callstack is a functionality that has been built on top of the native part driving JavaScript Code. It aims to stack every JavaScript function call, and run them on their own. Each time we call a function it’s added to the stack. Without the callstack, we wouldn’t be able to have clear and detailed error stacktraces. And since the callstack is not reachable from a JavaScript code, it’s really difficult and even impossible to take control over it.

On the other hand, fibers — like a stack of fiber — represent the same concept, but built in JavaScript code. The tiniest unit is not functions, but a component. It actually runs in a JavaScript universe.

The fact that the fiber architecture is completely built in JavaScript means that we can use it, access it, and modify it. We can work on it using standard JavaScript.

What has driven me in the wrong direction was that I thought React was using a workaround to cut-off the internal way JavaScript is working. It’s not the case. Fibers are simply JavaScript objects that own information about React components and that can interact with their lifecycles. It can only act on React internal functionalities.

The idea is not to redefine how JavaScript should be working, like telling that fetch microtask resolution should be executed before callback tasks. It’s more on which React methods should be called or not in a specific context, like interrupting the different lifecycle method calls.

Hey wait! You say that fibers can control absolutely everything in a React App? But how can a component tell React to stop doing anything?

Algebraic effects, yes, but in JavaScript please

React is able to control components, and to know if a component is running, thanks to the fiber architecture. What is missing now is a way to tell React that something has changed for a specific component, so it will handle this change.

This is where algebraic effects enter the game.

Algebraic effects are not something that exist in JavaScript. I will try to explain what they are with a higher level explanation.

Algebraic effects are a concept that allows to send some information somewhere, a bit like a dispatcher. The idea is to call a specific function that will interrupt the currently running function at a precise position to let a parent function handle a computation. When the parent computation finishes, it can resume the program to the initial position where the information has been sent.

Some languages such as OCaml or Eff benefit from these feature natively. This is a really interesting abstraction since the implementation details only rely upon the parent:

Pseudo JavaScript where “propagate”, “withEffects” and “handle” would exist

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have such a feature in JavaScript?

The React team has created a similar approach in a React context dealing with the JavaScript try/catch block. According to Dail, it’s the closest available concept in JavaScript.

Throwing something allows sending information to a parent, somewhere. The first parent who catches the information is able to deal with it and make computations on it.

An example is better than a thousand words

Imagine the following code that tries to fetch Bulbasaur using a synchronous API:

Fetching a Pokeapi resource using a synchronous API

This piece of code may be weird since it’s not really common to fetch data using a synchronous API. Let’s jump inside the customFetch function implementation:

customFetch implementation details

Oh wait! This absolutely doesn’t look like a fetch! I don’t get what this function aims to do at all…

Well, imagine something around the component, let’s say a fiber that looks like:

A fiber HOC, just like a fiber “around” a Component

Take some time to read the code.

Now, let’s jump to the customFetch implementation:

fetchWithCache implementation details

The important part in the previous snippets is the try/catch block.

Let’s sum up what’s happening through these different pieces of code:

  • The Pokemon component calls the customFetch method.
  • The customFetch method tries to read its internal cache, but it’s empty. So it throws something / somewhere — algebraic effects.
  • The fiber parent catches that information, handles it, and fetches the data. Then it populates the customFetch cache with the data.
  • A re-render occurs in Component(args)and, now, the customFetch cache is full. The data is now available in the component using a synchronous API.

Take a look at the react-cache implementation details and check the different throws.

Something may have caught your attention during this process: render has been called twice. One for throwing the error — pausing the component — and one for getting the data — resuming the component. It’s okay with React to trigger multiple render calls since it’s solely a pure function — it doesn’t have any side effects on its own.

Wait… What? render doesn’t have any side effects? What about the DOM?

React phases

If you’ve been working with React for a long time, you may have heard that it’s not a good practice to re-render multiple times. Before fiber architecture, every time we were calling the render function React was making some internal computations and then modified the DOM accordingly. For example, this happened when calling the render function through setState. The process was inlined:

setStaterender → compare Virtual Nodes → update the DOM nodes

Dealing with fiber, the process is a bit different. It has introduced a concept of queue and batches that allows high performance DOM modifications.

The idea is quite simple. We assume that screens can run ~60 frames per second. From this assumption, and using the available JavaScript functions, it’s possible to make some computations and DOM modifications only every ~16.7ms. With fiber, React can enqueue multiple modifications and commit them about 60 times per second.

This kind of modification has allowed React to split into three phases with their own advantages and particularities:

  • The render phase is pure and deterministic. It has no side effects and the different functions that it’s composed of can be called multiple times. The render phase is interruptible — it’s not the render function that is in pause mode, but the whole phase
  • The pre-commit phrase aims to provide access to the actual DOM state, like the scrollbar positions, in read mode.
  • The commit phase actually modifies the DOM and is not interruptible. React can’t pause during that phase.

This set of three phases has introduced the Time Slicing capabilities. React is able to pause during the render phase, in between two component function calls, and to resume that phase when necessary.

In fiber, render only aims to get the latest available representation of a component based on its internal state to make some comparisons and know if React has to change the DOM or not. If a commit modification is required, it will add the modification to a “work in progress” queue.

The React team has made huge performance improvements thanks to React Concurrent (Time Slicing + Suspense) and the fiber architecture. They have created workarounds to counter different browser problems like event prioritisation and concurrency.

If we take a step back, isn’t that what they have shown? Prioritisation seems to be the new challenge for browser and front-end frameworks.

Other teams are also working on improving the actual state of the art and even propose future APIs. This is Google’s take:



Marvin Frachet
We’ve moved to

Building the frontend of @gatsbyjs. React aficionado. Typescript adopter. Pizza advocate — Frenchie 🇫🇷